The 25-year-old
female recently came to my office for evaluation of new onset chronic daily
headache. This unfortunate young woman had been suffering with headaches every
single day of her life the last 18 months. Historically, the problem began
shortly after she returned from a camping trip in Ocean City Maryland. Upon
returning home she had a sudden headache, mild flulike symptoms, fatigue and
malaise. The headache is always right-sided in the temporal-parietal area. She uniquely
described her headache is having a ram’s horn pattern of distribution
describing a spiral pattern of pain. The pain was described is having a
squeezing quality, not throbbing, associated with nausea at times. Pain intensity increases around time of menses.
One year prior to
our initial consultation she been tested for Lyme disease. She had a positive
EIA and 2/3 IgM Western Blot bands meeting the CDC criteria for a positive
surveillance test. She was treated with doxycycline for 4 weeks which had no impact
on the headaches.
Her neurologist informed
her that Lyme disease not relevant to her condition and an infectious disease
specialist felt that she been adequately treated for Lyme disease and that this
had been excluded as a cause of her headaches.
She was
prescribed a large number medications sequentially including: Topamax,
Neurontin, Imitrex, Fioricet and many others none of which had any efficacy
The physical
examination was completely normal except for subtle sensory deficits. Her
ability to sense a cold object, in this case a metal tuning fork, was
diminished in the hands and feet. This finding is generally dismissed by most
neurologist as insignificant. In my experience, this finding is reliably
present in at least 80% of my patients diagnosed with Lyme disease and is rarely
present in healthy persons.
The remainder of
her workup was unremarkable until I came to the blood smear. Here I documented a
red blood cell filled with small stained inclusions compatible with bacteria. A photo image is included

Prior to 1990
there were only two named species of Bartonella. Now there at least 24 named species
of Bartonella and numerous yet unnamed species in the queue whose DNA signatures
have been deposited in Gen Bank. 17 Bartonella species are now associated with
an expanding spectrum of human illness.
species are fastidious, gram-negative bacteria with demonstrated affinity for
intracellular localization in red blood cells and endothelial cells. Bartonella
is the only genus of bacteria known to induce pathological angiogenesis (growth
of new blood vessels). This may be associated with elevated serum levels of VGEF (vascular endothelial growth factor). In 2013 Maggi et al report the ability of Bartonella
henselae to invade human brain vascular pericytes. Pericytes are small cells
cells that surround endothelial cells and are an important constituent of the
blood brain barrier.
Blood smears may
suggest the presence of Bartonella. The diagnosis may be confirmed by PCR
testing. For clinical purposes this may not be necessary.
This patient was
treated with Zithromax, rifampin and Tindamax. Combination rifampin with
Zithromax is known clinically to be very effective against Bartonella species. Within four weeks of treatment the headache was completely abolished. However, the
symptoms returned within 5 days when the medication was discontinued by the patient and were once
again abolished when the medication was reinstated. After 3 months on continuous antibiotic therapy the patient remains symptom free.
This patient’s
case demonstrates new onset chronic daily headache in a patient with newly
acquired Lyme disease associated with coinfection with human bartonellosis with
an excellent clinical response using targeted therapy.
Correction: Bartonella species are rarely seen within red blood cells. The Giemsa smear most like shows a reticulocyte, an immature red blood cell and not Bartonella. The diagnosis is usually clinical.
Correction: Bartonella species are rarely seen within red blood cells. The Giemsa smear most like shows a reticulocyte, an immature red blood cell and not Bartonella. The diagnosis is usually clinical.
Hello. Thank you for your post. I have some questions about bartonella. Is it worth doing a manual blood smear, is it worth to repeat it several times? Will standard blood smear reveal bartonella bacteria? I had multiple tick bites in childhood (about 35 tick bites). After 10 years I became very ill, I had seizures (in temportal lobes, partial seizures), aggression, non-stop headache for many years. Lyme disease was positive but bartonella test were negative (but it was done after lyme treatment). I still have some problems, mild headaches, OCD, brain fog. Could it be bartonella? I live in central Europe (I think we have bartonella in ticks here too).
Sound therapy is popularizing these days because it is a very efficient and 100% natural therapy which has no side effects. Sound therapy can not only be used in such cases but can heal Lyme disease, heart troubles etc. There is no doubt the power of Sound Healing and positive thinking is astonishing.
My son is on day 27 of a chronic headache... he was taking the exact same meds that you said the patient was taking. Where can I get a blood smear?
What dosage did you prescribe?
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in February 2013. I have a headache every single day since then. Sometime light, but sometimes they are so horrible that nothing helps. This has completely ruined my quality of life. No dr has been able to help me so basically I've just learned to deal with the pain. Any suggestions?
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