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Saturday, November 23, 2013

More about HBOT

 We have had a lot of success with our hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Positive clinical responses have been varied.
The latest research regarding the use of low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment is presented in a peer reviewed study published in PLOS one. Patients suffering with mild brain injury were shown to have significant improvements by cognitive metrics, quality of life assessment and SPECT scanning. The patients were treated with a typical regiment available for our patients: one hour at a pressure of 1.5 ATA. These patients were treated for 2 months, total of 40 treatments and were shown to have persisting benefits.

There of course is no research regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for patients suffering with Lyme disease, but I think this study can be used as a good surrogate.

There is some evidence that low pressure may be more effective than higher pressure with less risk of toxicity. The pressure of 2.4 ATA may be associated with toxicity in the brain.

There is evidence that pressures of 1.3 ATA with room air are effective. This therapy has mistakenly been used as the placebo control group (in another study)  but in fact rather than acting as a placebo was found to be beneficial.

Many of our sickest patients have cellular dysfunction with glutathione inadequacy.  This can be measured with a blood level. MTHFR mutations with decreased methylation and elimination of toxins may be an issue. HBOT is another way of increasing glutathione and promoting cellular detoxification. Other benefits include: increased tissue oxygenation, decreased inflammation, beneficial effects on cytokines and lymphocyte functioning (enhancing the immune system) and improving neuroplasticity.  HBOT works well with antibiotics and may increase antibiotic penetration into tissues. The therapy may obviate the need for intravenous antibiotics.


Anonymous said...

Doc- -what do you think about the presentation re bartonella and HBOT by a local (to you) doc? Is this saying don't do HBOT with bartonella?

Anonymous said...

Please post more updates on this topic too! There is a small but growing group of patients having luck with mHBOT....but everyone is concerned about "feeding" the aerobic bugs as previously mentioned.

Iceni said...

I underwent 20 days of HBOT while quite ill from Lyme and Babesia. It was prohibitively expensive to continue further at MD's office in Northern VA at a cost of $3800/20 days. I noticed very mild benefit, but nothing to markedly increase function, pain relief, or cognitive function, which stopped as soon as the treatment did. It did cause herx'ing, so it was killing Lyme.

I found actual relief in all areas with 2 months of treatment at Envita in Arizona. Also, extremely expensive. I would insist on pairing HBOT with IV abx to expect to get any real relief, and this would have to be on the range of 4-6 months, I would imagine, possibly longer. It has potential to kill the bug, just unknown and how high a pressure is unsure.

Atwood said...

Very informative blog post. It is a great new for most of the Neuroplasticity patient that HBOT helpful for fast recovery. Thanks for sharing
Shai Efrati

Alex said...

This blog nicely explain information on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Here you can find more details on hyperbaric chamber benefits. Thanks