Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Introducing Lyme counselor/therapist, common neuropsychological manifestations of Lyme

Introducing, Brittany Goff, MSW, LYME COUNSELING in my office, appointments available, Call: 240-702-0138.  Brittany is a former Lyme patient, fully in remission. We did Monster’s Inside Me several years ago together. She knows what its like to have Lyme and coinfections. 
We are working together on patients with Lyme brain syndromes.  Patients may have a variety of manifestations. These include:  inflammatory encephalopathy, autoimmune syndromes, neurotransmitter imbalances, specific neurological syndromes (stroke-like, MS-like) and of course neuropsychiatric manifestations.
Chronic disseminated Lyme: a neuropsychiatric illness,
Things we commonly encounter AND TREAT: 
Anxiety, Panic, ADD-like symptoms, mood swings, depression, OCD. Others.
Can be caused by any and all tickborne syndromes,
Sudden or acute onset of OCD symptoms, anxiety or TICS, following infection, classically with Strep, but also with Lyme, Bartonella and others,
You may have PANDAS or PANS, primarily in children, but also in adults,
Confusion, disorientation, brain fog, can’t find words, feels like Alzheimer’s,
Caused by Lyme encephalopathy, general Lyme associated brain dysfunction,
Severe anxiety,
May be due to imbalance of neurotransmitter, GABA,
Newly acquired ADD, attention deficit syndrome,
May be due to imbalance of neurotransmitter dopamine, frontal lobe dysfunction, executive dysfunction,
Head pressure, symptoms too weird to put into words, depersonalization, sense of unreality,
May go along with primary autoimmune encephalitis,
Depression, sudden unexplained bouts of crying,
Frequently seen with cerebral babesiosis,
Severe irritability, anxiety, anger, rage, “Lyme rage”
Frequently caused by cerebral bartonellosis (Bartonella infection),
Behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with stroke-like or MS-like, physical symptoms,
Commonly seen with all the above,
Social isolation and alienation, loss of family and friends, no energy to go out with friends or family, unable to plan ahead,
Lyme disease and all its trappings,
Sometimes commonly used drugs, like antidepressants, make things worse because Lyme brains are wired differently. We may have some insights. 

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