Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beyond Lyme disease

A patient I saw today embodies something quite different from my run-of-the-mill Lyme disease patient. A typical Lyme patient was in good health until something happened. The disease may have come on abruptly or gradually over a period of time. But before the illness began, at a defined point in time, the patient was in fairly good health. Another patient type, like my patient today, has been sick for a very long period of time. Perhaps decades. There was no clearly defined point in time when the illness began. In this case she became acutely ill 2 years ago and worse over the past 4 months. But looking back, she has not felt well for decades. She has not functioned well for a very long time. Many such patients have previously carried various diagnoses such as: fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein Barr, chronic depression and/or somataform disorder. They typically have a history of other troubling chronic illnesses like IBS, migraine, asthma or interstitial cystitis. Something else is wrong with these patients. Tick borne illness does not account for all their troubles. These are our most challenging patients. They are delighted to have the diagnosis of Lyme disease, something real, validating. But this may be only a starting point -- something that broke the back of a camel that was already severely sagging. These patients have been looking very hard for a long time for help.

So what is wrong? A chronic yeast problem. A genetic defect of MTHFR causing a methylation problem. Environmental toxins. Heavy metals. Mold toxins. Epstein Barr virus. Chamydia pneumonia. Mycoplasma. Bad genes. Or just bad protoplasm. All the above?

In the simplest terms chronic illness results from an ill fated interaction of a person's genetic makeup, genotype, with environmental factors. That's it. A particular gene can have various expressions in a person. These are called phenotypes. In the future I suspect all chronic diseases will be corrected with tweaking of DNA. For now we have to "holistically" integrate bio-psycho-social-environmental factors and seek out our best current solutions.

Many genetic flaws are obvious. For example, ones that lead to sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis. We really know very little about the function of most of our genes. Genetic flaws or mutations may be responsible for subtle illness. A gene may be "partially expressed." For example, rather than causing full-out celiac disease the flaw may cause gluten sensitivity.

Since this is a BLOG, not a chapter in a book, I will give a few examples of how this approach is helpful. A patients suffers with severe headaches. His mother and brother suffer with migraines. Rather than increasing the dose of Mepron or pounding harder on a co-infection, think about using an anti-migraine drug like Topomax.  A patient has progressive memory loss. A first degree relative suffered Alzheimer's disease at a young age. Rather than upping the ante of IV antibiotics, consider a neuroprotective therapy like hyperbaric oxygen. A parent and sibling suffer with depression and bipolar disease. Rather than increasing anti-Bartonella therapy for a depressed patient, consider early institution of anti-depressant therapy. On the other hand, if the depressed patient is suffering from a personal trauma, push for talk psychotherapy rather than reaching for a pill. A patient suffers with severe Obesity. Both parents are morbidly obese. Nutritional therapy is not going to work. Consider an anti-obesity medication like phentermine. A patient has a poly-arthritis, refractory to treatment. A parent has rheumatoid arthritis and a sibling has psoriasis or lupus. Use antibiotics with anti-inflammatory properties like doxycycline or minocycline. But also use disease modifying drugs like Plaquenil, and yes, consider more potent disease modifying biologicals in selected cases. If it is determined a patient has a genetic defect for the elimination of toxins, work hard to correct this issue.

Sometimes genetics trump environmental factors and sometimes it is the other way around.

A patient with a 20 year history of fatigue is going to have adrenal fatigue, notwithstanding genetic factors.

When treating difficult patients the doctor must be aware of common disorders and not miss the easy ones. Whether or not dad uses a C-PAP, get the sleep study. Sleep disorders are omnipresent.  The "nonspecific" loss of stage 3/4 sleep may be treatable despite what the sleep doctor says. Some rocks should always be turned over.

Bottom line: every organ system and every symptom must be evaluated in the context of environmental factors, like Lyme disease, and the confluence of genetic factors. Many issues many need to be addressed. Many issues beyond Lyme disease.


  1. Follow up with starting a Methylation Protocol. I have hope and joy again in my life. There was a comment under your Alzheimer's, Glutathione post about looking into, and that is where I discovered the link to chronic illnesses. I have always felt like I have had a touch of Autism, Autoimmune, and Alzheimer's as if all these illnesses are on a continuum, connected somehow. They are. Infection, and or the last 50-100 years of unnatural toxins accumulating in our bodies and environment can spark a poorly functioning MTHFR gene variant. Maybe these variants that convert Folic Acid to MethylFolate are from environmental adaptations for a good reason (famine, etc.)? Regardless, they are not serving us, and are insidious in their affects on our health, and especially our mental health. Our children are being born into a toxic world. They need to be taught how to detoxify properly to prevent chronic illness. Maybe this is why we have so much ADD, PMS, depression, immune dysfunction, anger issues, with our kids. I understand good coping skills go along way, but how does a child cope with their toxic body, not knowing why they feel the way they do, when a simple inability to metabolize neurotransmitters and hormones, including adrenal and thyroid hormones could be at the root of it all..
    As a formerly healthy 31 year old to instant cycling chronic illness for 15 years, + Lyme, treated with Doxy., I can attest to the power behind a handful of the right B vitamins (injectable B12& Glutathione, too) to open up my detox pathways and directly feel a change in my neurotransmitters (positive perceptions and mood). What I can't imagine is how much better treatment with antibiotics, for confirmed infections, would have been if I had addressed my Methylation issues first! My Naturopath did put me on the protocol that I am on right now, because I tested low by a WBC micronutrient test years ago, but didn't get me the extra Glutathione (IV) that I needed to control brain inflammation while chelating, or explain Methylation (Liver Detox pathways) to me. READ ABOUT LIVER DETOX PATHWAYS: Phase 1 (Cytochrome P450 Enzymes). Phase 2 (Methylation, Sulfation, etc). TEST for: MTHFR (LabCorp, etc) C677T (related to Homocysteine), A1298T (related to Enzymes), and Homocysteine if patients have vasculitis, or clotting cascade issues (which most Lyme patients do), caused by methylation problems.. This is the foundation, as far back as we can go right now, to the genes.

  2. I will report back which MTHFR variants I have when I get the results. I have the genomic panel by 23andme pending.

  3. Genetic Testing Follow Up (MuonGlue/3)

    +/+ MTHFR C677T Voila! This, and other genetic inefficiencies that I have explain a lot. I am convinced that Chronic Lyme Disease is a Detoxification disease, as most other chronic illness are, too.
    I ran my 23andme genetic raw data through an amazing app that focuses on gene SNPs affecting Methylation, hormone, and neurotransmitter metabolism. (I have no affiliation with either company).
    Also, I agree that 23andme shouldn't do health interpretation reports because they do not understand epigenetics. Otherwise the website offers an amazing service to find out your genetic SNPs and do something about it! Help your patients discover this..

  4. I stumbled upon this blog searching for WB test interpretation. Started reading a great blog from Oct '08, which inspired me to read more. But I kept coming across comments by Dr Jaller criticizing "alternative medicine" and components known to be common with naturopathic practice as hocus pocus, ballyhoo, general silliness and a waste of time and money, snake oil for the desperate patient.

    And then I jumped to recent blog posts, curious to see what his current thoughts were. It is good to see that the author ultimately embraced many components of "alternative" approaches to health and discovery of the root of illness. I'm not sure why SCIENCE is considered "alternative", but it is.

  5. are un considering to write a post about sleep issues?
