A lovely 17-year-old young woman presented to my practice about
a year ago. The patient’s mother has a
history of Lyme disease and belies that she transmitted Lyme to her daughter in
utero. Maybe. The patient suffered with a number of severe infections early in
life: pneumonia, age 2 months, periorbital cellulitis age 4 months, chronic
tonsillitis age 2 and chronic mycoplasma infection. Something different also happened at age 6.
She experienced an abrupt onset of tics and Tourette’s syndrome. Her
pediatrician diagnosed PANDAS and prescribed a course of amoxicillin which
seemed to be only somewhat helpful. After 10 days the pediatrician refused to prescribe
additional antibiotics because tests for Strep were all negative: rapid strep
test, throat culture, ASO titer and aniti-DNAse B. See a psychiatrist,
not PANDAS. Her enlightened pediatrician was aware of PANDAS, pediatric
autoimmune neurological disorder associated with streptococcus (grp A,
B-hemolytic). The hallmark of the disorder is that it comes on suddenly and is
associated with strep. It is an autoimmune condition. Although even this is hotly debated, at least some pediatricians believed PANDAS required long-term
antibiotics. The patient's mother always
suspected Lyme. PANS (pediatric autoimmune neurological syndrome -- without the strep) was an emerging concept. L:yme and other infections could be alternate culprits. At age 12 the patient
experienced transient swelling of a knee and soon thereafter developed severe
neuropsychological symptoms which became progressively disabling. My patient developed a strange
ailment: confessional OCD, characterized by telling her mother repetitively the same
horrible thoughts: “Would I be punished (go to jail) if I drown the cat?” you
get the idea.
The patient subsequently developed frontal lobe symptoms (like pseudo-bulbar dementia). For example, she would
burst in laughter or tears, uncontrollably, for no good reason. Despite all, my patient managed to do well in school
until 7th grade. Then her grades took a nose dive from As to Ds.
Mom had daughter tested for Lyme: 10/10 IgG
bands on the CDC surveillance test. Her pediatrician made little of this. Mom
took her daughter to a variety of Lyme doctors who prescribed a parade of
antibiotics and even Mepron for possible babesiosis. None of this was helpful.
Shortly before she saw me a neuro-pediatrician told her about a
test from Moeculera Lab which measures anti-neuronal antibodies and is a marker
for PANS. Mom had the costly test run and the results were resoundingly positive. More than one Lyme doctor refused to look
into IVIG. Getting IVIG for PANS is difficult. Most insurance companies refuse to cover it because the FDA says they can. Luckily we also found a defect in humoral immunity via pneumonia
vaccine challenge and the insurer now agreed to cover the cost of IVIG (not for PANS).
My patient was prescribed a combination of continuous antibiotics
and IVIG.
One year later. She is essentially back to normal. No OCD or
inappropriate behavior. Getting straight As in school. Well-adjusted and doing
Important note. The patient had a tick bite on her ear age
2. Lyme can be transmitted by a
deer tick in a child in a thin skin region, such as the ear (case report at ILADS conference several years ago) in as little as 4 hours.
Early life severe infections may be explained by an immune defect, shown to be present, not Lyme),
My patient had normal growth and development and had no learning disorders.
In my, albeit somewhat limited experience, children who acquire
Lyme in utero have autism spectrum disorder (Asburger’s) and/or a learning, developmental
The Hallmark of PANS is that it hits suddenly: one day your
child is normal and the next neuropsychiatric symptoms occur.
My important take away message is that even though many years
passed between the onset of OCD etc... and IVIG therapy, the IVIG therapy may still be very effective.
I currently have a 31-year-old male patient which a very
similar tale, disabled and dysfunctional. Because of money problems the
Molecular test is still pending. He has
been treated by numerous Lyme doctors over a period of 15 years. Antibiotics
alone have never helped. The diagnosis had never been considered – until now.